Keema Fried Rice – Convenient Convertible

In this age of convertible cars,convertible bonds,tablets and convertible laptops, how convenient wouldn’t it be if we can convert some leftovers from the fridge into a delicious box lunch. Keema fried rice is one such quick fix dish (try saying quick fix dish quickly 😉  ) I used to pack for my kids,when they were…

Teriyaki Chicken – for a Pokemon fan

We have a new fad at home…Japanese. Thanks to my daughter who is a huge Pokémon fan. So much so she watches Pokémon in Japanese language every Thursday because the Japanese version releases much before the English one. And thanks to that, she has picked up a lot of Japanese words. Her room looks like…

Winds of Separation

 Couple of weeks back, as a part of Christmas celebrations my daughter’s school had organised a lot of competitions for students and encouraged them to take part in as many as possible. My daughter took part in four or five and one of them was “Poetry Competition”. The topic was ‘Separation’ and the students had…