Jordanian Chicken with pomegranate molasses and Mujaddara-Jordanian rice with lentils

Jordan,a Hashemite kingdom on the banks of river Jordan is a country rich in cultural heritage and paleolithic remains. My son along with his work friends had a mini weekend vacation to this exotic country. They visited the ancient red city  Petra- a wonder of the world and Jordan’s most valuable treasure, the famous Dead…

Keema Fried Rice – Convenient Convertible

In this age of convertible cars,convertible bonds,tablets and convertible laptops, how convenient wouldn’t it be if we can convert some leftovers from the fridge into a delicious box lunch. Keema fried rice is one such quick fix dish (try saying quick fix dish quickly 😉  ) I used to pack for my kids,when they were…

Vietnamese Rice paper Rolls – Fiesta Friday Anniversary:Week One

The count down has begun, the carpets have been laid, the invites have been sent out, preparations are on full swing, menus all planned, mise en place well organised for service, the best of silver polished and the dresses are out of the wardrobe for the biggest ever block party-              …

Chinese biryani ?

Chinese biryani????? Biryani ,as we all know is a one pot rice and meat dish which has its roots in South Asia. There are different theories regarding the origin of Biryani, with the most popular being that it was brought to India by the Mogul rulers.However, the fact remains that Biryani is the most popular dish…

Flavored rice with Meatballs

This weekend was a busy one with parties and get togethers. With just a couple of days left to go for the most awaited sporting event, FIFA world cup 2014, the mood and flavor of all parties had to be football. The conversations had to be seasoned with football banter. I am sure you all…