Oranges & Lemon Pan grilled Chicken

Spring is here..Spring is here…after what seems a long gloomy winter, spring is finally here. The chirping birds, the blooming flowers, the warm caressing breeze and delicious scent of greenery all seem to announce that it is spring time, the time to renew the excitement and zest for life that lives inside us. The world…

Chicken Korma – Magic of Clay pot Cooking

  I am bitten by the Retro bug. Don’t Google the word. There is no meaning to it. It’s just that of late I have been doing things the old fashioned way. Actually it started one fine day a few weeks ago,when I was flipping the pages of my old hand written recipe book. It…

Stuffed Bell Peppers with Quinoa & Chicken and some childhood memories

Bell Pepper is one gorgeous vegetable, I can’t keep myself from adding to the shopping cart every week. Their glossy skins and vibrant hues instantly jazz up any ordinary looking dish.Beauty of bell peppers is not just skin deep as they are a store house of vitamins and anti-oxidants.They are known to improve eye health,…

Chicken Puff Pastry

Happy Ramadan to all my friends and readers! Ramadan the holiest month of the Islamic calendar is a month of fasting, charity giving , self analysis and introspection. During this month, Muslims across the world fast from dawn to dusk. After partaking the pre-dawn meal called Suhoor or Sehri,they abstain from eating or drinking till dusk.Apart from food and…

Honey and Sesame Chicken

My new neighborhood has a lot of big old trees and hence is home to different species of birds. Bird watching has become my new pastime. I have spotted kingfishers,rock doves,white doves,parakeets,mynas,koels,crows,bulbuls and a few others I couldn’t identify. There is a pair of red vented bulbuls who are trying to build a nest by…

Stuffed Tangdi Kabab

Hello Everyone! First of all I am sorry for disappearing from the blogging world. It is three whole months.I have been super busy doing up our new place and then moving in.Everything had to be done from scratch and that took a lot of  time and patience.Those who have experienced building a home in India…

Chicken and Cheese Shots for a Pluviophile

  It’s raining once again.After a hot dry summer, it’s such a welcome change.Especially when you are at home watching nature’s beautiful gift through your open window,letting in the cool breeze and the fresh comforting smell of rain kissed earth.It seems to awaken all your senses and transport you into a state of calm and…

Chicken Fatayer/ Stuffed buns – Aromatherapy in your kitchen

The cold December air is heavy with the delicious aromas of baked delicacies.It seems like the whole world is busy with one thing-baking. Anywhere you go, you  get that  whiff of cakes, breads or cookies being baked somewhere in the neighborhood,stimulating your senses and evoking a mood of cheer and revelry . These mouth watering floating aromas trigger happy childhood…