The Premio Dardos Award and The Liebster Award

Dear Friends and Readers, Thank you so much for being a part of my excitement and celebrations. While I am speechless and overwhelmed by the showers of blessings in the form of awards from my fellow bloggers, I want to assure you that this is my last award post for the season. I will be…

Versatile Blogger and the Love hate blogger challenge

An award from a blogger friend is an honor and a blessing. I am really touched to be on the receiving end of all these lovely awards which are an expression of their love and acceptance of my work. I would like to thank two amazing bloggers Anugya@TheIndiancurryshack and Shamira@Smilingnotes who have been kind enough to nominate…

Dragons Loyalty award

I cannot express in words how honored and humbled I feel. Four wonderful and talented bloggers have nominated me for this award. I would like to thank all of them for their generosity. Stephy@Stephysweetbakes : Stephy is my sweet blogging sister. She has been extremely kind to nominate me for four different awards. She is a…

Infinity Dreams Award

Awards are always very special. They are an appreciation of our work and an expression of admiration and acceptance. I always feel excited and humbled whenever I am nominated for any award. For the past few weeks, my blogger friends and community have been very generous in nominating me for some beautiful awards. I am…

The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

Yay!! I am so excited to receive this award. All my life I have seen friends and cousins talking about their sisters and the close bond they shared with them and all I could do was stare blankly at them, because I never had a sister of my own.The only sister I had, never lived to…

Prawns in Coconut curry : Fiesta Friday 33

    I found these interesting Prawn sayings on the web which I wanted to share with all of you. I didn’t know there were two terms dedicated for this : PrawnusSayus and Preek (Prawn Speak) . I found these particularly Punny, I mean Funny: This building got prawned You got Prawned! – Slang- “You got owned!”      …

Very Inspiring Blogger Award

My dear friend Alice has just taught me this. She has her own wonderland “alifemoment  “where she records her culinary adventures.Her place is a visual treat and a foodaholic’s delight.  She has been generous enough to pass on The Very Inspiring Blogger award 2014 to me. I am overwhelmed by her gesture. I have always been inspired…

Green chicken : Petrichor

It has been raining here since a couple of days. The green season is finally here after a long spell of hot , dry weather. The trees and the plants have got their shower and look squeaky clean. The fields and landscape look lush and breathtakingly beautiful. And who doesn’t like the scent of rain…

“My Writing Process” Blog Tour

I was invited to participate in the “My Writing Process” Blog Tour by Aiswarya, a wonderful blogging friend of mine. The Tour has been making the rounds since at least a year and a half if I am not wrong, and it might be interesting to trace its origin. Each participant is asked to answer four…