Caramelized Lemon Chicken Wings + a readership award




Chicken wings is one of the most popular appetizers across the United States and Canada. Large franchises specializing in Buffalo wings have emerged all over the place. In addition to the most popular Buffalo sauce, a variety of sauces are being used to cater to the tastes of  different people. Buffalo wings are generally deep fried and high on calories.

I have my version of wings which is not only easy to make but also delectably aromatic and flavorful with fewer calories. With very less preparation and cooking time, you can bookmark this recipe for those days when you are really tired and busy or you have friends coming over. Just keep a pack of wings in your freezer and the rest of the ingredients will be easily available in your kitchen. The flavor of lemon rind in the beautifully caramelized sauce is simply amazing.

Serve this delicious dish to your family and friends and bowl them over.


What you need:

  • Chicken wings 750 g
  • Oil   1 tbsp.
  • Soy sauce 1/4 cup
  • Tomato sauce 3 tsp.
  • Honey 1/2 cup
  • Garlic 1 tsp. chopped
  • Ginger 1 tsp. chopped
  • Lemon juice 2 tsp.
  • Lemon rind 1 tsp. grated
  • Crushed pepper cons 1 tsp.
  • Salt to taste

Marinate the wings along with the ingredients for half an hour. Put them on a baking tray and cover with an aluminium foil.

Bake at 200 º C for approximately 45 minutes to an hour . Toss once in between.




I am taking this dish to Angie’s Fiesta Friday  this week. .


…….. Celebrations Continue

This week I have been pleasantly surprised to receive the Wonderful Team Member Readership Award from a very dear Aiman Peer . She has been one of my very first blogging friends, supporting and encouraging me when I was new to the blogosphere. She authors a beautiful blog from dusk to dawn and is an amazing poet and writer and her blog is a must visit for lovers of poetry. Thank you Aiman  for this token of love and appreciation 🙂









The rules are simple : Just give the award to all the people you wish to (at least 14); mention the person who gave it to you and  don’t forget to include a picture of the Award.

Here is my list of nominees. I am sure you have a lot of awards in your kitty, but this is my token of love and appreciation for being a part of my wonderful community 🙂

  1. Deliciouslynell
  2. LFFL
  3. Jhuls
  4. Lori
  5. Selmas table
  6. The novice gardener
  7. My simple delights
  8. Stacey bender
  9. Stephanie
  10. Kaila
  11. Justine
  12. Nancy
  13. Olga
  14. Aiswarya
  15. Acasadisimi
  16. Fae’s Twist and Tango

Congratulations to each of you. All the best. Happy blogging 🙂



81 Comments Add yours

  1. Lori says:

    I love chicken wings! I mean, messy and all, I really love them! And your sauce sounds so good!
    Congrats on your award! And thank you so much for nominating me! I have never heard of this award before…super fun! Thank you so much! Very encouraging!


    1. skd says:

      The sauce is really awesome. Do try this out. Thank you and Congratulations for the award. Have a nice day 🙂


  2. sarahgiebens says:

    The chicken looks great! I’m even starting to feel hungry…
    Congratulations on your award! X


    1. skd says:

      Thank you sarah. You must try this recipe. It is very very easy 🙂


  3. alifemoment says:

    Wow this is delicious! Well done! 🙂


    1. skd says:

      Thank you 🙂


      1. skd says:

        Hi Alice,
        I have been invited to be a part of the ‘My Writing process blog tour’ and i have accepted for 16th of June.This tour rolls out across three new bloggers’ sites each week. So, I can invite three writers to carry the tour forward. It would require you to answer a few questions and generate a post. Your date would be June 23rd, 2014. Please let me know if you’re interested and can participate for June 23rd. If yes, then in my June16th post, I will mention your blog! Can you let me know if you would like to participate?


      2. alifemoment says:

        Hello skd,
        Thank you very much for asking me to participate on the writing process blog tour, I really appreciate but unfortunately I was invited by another blogger to do the writing process tour on the 26th of May to answer the questions. Anyway I would like to thank you again and cannot wait to read your answers! 🙂
        Best wishes,


      3. skd says:

        No problem at all. I didn’t take the effort to look in your posts 🙂


      4. alifemoment says:

        I am looking forward to reading your answers! Hope you have an amazing week! 🙂


      5. skd says:

        You too 🙂


  4. andy1076 says:

    Yummers! 🙂


  5. Chicken wings are such perfect party food, love this recipe.


    1. skd says:

      Thank you 🙂


  6. Cook me something urself 😀 VEGGIE!!


    1. skd says:

      🙂 Some day


      1. lol!! Ur someday sounds very dangerous 😉


      2. skd says:

        🙂 I need an inspiration to cook an all vegetarian meal


      3. 😐😐😐 i will provide one lol


      4. skd says:

        OK then. I am waiting LOL 😀


  7. nimmiafzal says:

    Congratz for ur new award!!😊
    Great recipe!! Caramelized wings sounds great….


    1. skd says:

      Thank you 🙂 Do try it out. Tastes very good.


      1. nimmiafzal says:

        Yeah… I would definitely try one day😊


      2. nimmiafzal says:

        Hi.. once again thank u so much for nominating me for the versatile blogger award.. i was too late to accept it.. pls do check the link and i have tagged u thanking you😊


      3. skd says:

        No problem. Thank you for accepting it. I am going over to your blog right away 🙂


      4. nimmiafzal says:



  8. hey there thank you so much for the shout out with the award i have not heard of that one before 🙂 It’s great to see you also on Fiesta Friday as you know I am co hosting and a regular there, I am not sure whether it is pm or am for you but hope your having a fab time at the party, thank you once again 🙂 huggles xx


    1. skd says:

      The pleasure is mine. I enjoy the fiesta very much. Thank you for being a wonderful host and making me feel so welcome. 🙂 A big hug to you as well


      1. glad your having a good time, the party continues hehe we are hardcore lol


  9. fazal says:

    Really lip smacking and appealing
    Eager to have a bite


    1. skd says:

      Thank you 🙂 I wish you could download this 🙂


  10. Jhuls says:

    These are indeed lip smacking chicken wings! 😀
    Congrats on the award and thank you so much for nominating me!


    1. skd says:

      Thank you 🙂 You must try them. A very easy recipe.


  11. Congratulations on your award 🙂 Many thanks for nominating me!


  12. The chicken wings look really yummy! Congrats on the award and thank you for nominating me! 😊


    1. skd says:

      Thank you 🙂 Most welcome. You deserve this award and many more.


  13. Congratulations on the award!!! Thank you so much for nominating me, I really appreciate this!!!


    1. skd says:

      Thank you and most welcome 🙂 Your blog is most deserving of many more awards .


  14. The chicken wings looks amazing!!! Mouthwatering photos:)


    1. skd says:

      Thank you 🙂


  15. Chicken wings are the best part of a chicken! 🙂 Congratulations on the award, Skd, well-deserved. And thanks for nominating my blog. Really appreciate it.

    Btw, my post title might have misled you. It’s not at all vegetarian week. I WAS going vegetarian, but you don’t have to. Weekly Fiesta Friday is not a themed event, unlike Fiesta Friday Challenge, so you can definitely link this. The guidelines for the weekly Fiesta Friday are here:

    As you can see, you can link anything. 🙂


    1. skd says:

      Thank you 🙂 for your kind words. I absolutely adore your blog. This award is a token of my appreciation.
      And oh dear how could I have missed this.
      I get it now. Thanks, I will link up soon 🙂


  16. LFFL says:

    Thanks again!! 🙂 🙂


    1. I am a big fan of chicken wings and these look wonderful. Thanks so much for your thoughtful nomination and congrats on your award. I feel truly honored that you would think of me.


      1. skd says:

        Thank you so much. The pleasure is mine entirely. An extra serving of wings especially for you 🙂


  17. Sinfully Tempting says:

    Wonderful recipe! I love everything about the ingredients, such a nice alternative to the standard wing sauces. Can’t wait to try it, thanks for bringing it to Fiesta Friday! 🙂


    1. skd says:

      Thanks a lot 🙂 I really enjoy Angie s parties. Get to meet a lot of wonderful people like you. Have a nice day …


  18. Hari Qhuang says:

    I love the presentation!
    It looks so expensive!


    1. skd says:

      Haha thanks :). But we know it isn’t 🙂 But it definitely tastes good.


  19. Congratulations 🙂 Awesome recipe and your sauce looks delicious!


    1. skd says:

      Thank you. The sauce really is delicious 🙂


  20. Mr Fitz says:

    yeah ! chicken wings… yours look great! Thanks for bringing them to FF18!


    1. skd says:

      Welcome. And thanks for being a good host 🙂


  21. Stephanie @ The Cozy Cook says:

    This looks SOOOOOOOOOOOOO good….. it just made me so hungry! THANK YOU for the award nomination and congratulations on yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂


    1. skd says:

      Thank you so much 🙂
      And I love your blog. You are most deserving of many awards past and future 🙂


      1. Stephanie @ The Cozy Cook says:

        WOW thank you!!! I love yours too!!


  22. Nancy says:

    These wings look absolutely amazing! Congratulations on your award and thank you for my nomination as well. 🙂


    1. skd says:

      Thank you 🙂 so much..


    2. skd says:

      Hi Nancy,
      I have been invited to be a part of the ‘My Writing process blog tour’ and i have accepted for 16th of June.This tour rolls out across three new bloggers’ sites each week. So, I can invite three writers to carry the tour forward. It would require you to answer a few questions and generate a post. Your date would be June 23rd, 2014. Please let me know if you’re interested and can participate for June 23rd. If yes, then in my June16th post, I will mention your blog! Can you let me know if you would like to participate?


      1. Nancy says:

        Thank you for thinking of me, skd, but with my ongoing recuperation it is not something I’m able to commit to at this time. I do hope you enjoy your participation.


      2. skd says:

        No problem at all Nancy. Have a great week ahead 🙂


  23. marlies93 says:

    Oh God, this looks delicious!


    1. skd says:

      Yay !! Thank you 🙂


  24. Ash Ketchum says:

    Nothing can taste better than a beautiful plate of caramelized chicken wings!


    1. skd says:

      Wow! Thanks Ash


  25. Nate - Chivalrous Cooking says:

    This looks delicious!


    1. skd says:

      Thank you 🙂


  26. This looks amazing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. skd says:

      Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and also for appreciating. Have a nice day 🙂


  27. miencuisine says:

    😦 I´m starving right now! Looks super yummy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. skd says:

      Me too lol 😀 Wish we could download yummy food from the screen right onto our plates. Wish 😦 Wish 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  28. that looks wonderful!


    1. skd says:

      Thank you so much 🙂


  29. Ethan Leach says:

    I enjoyed reading yyour post


Hey! Do let me know what you think