Go healthy Go Green : Green tea and why you should go for it


Life is like a tea cup,  to be filled to the brim and enjoyed with friends ...
Life is like a tea cup,
to be filled to the brim and enjoyed with friends …

Come and share a pot of tea,
My home is warm and my friendship’s free

Emilie Barnes



While speaking of Aromas and Flavors, the first aroma which emanates from my kitchen every morning is that of Green tea. A cup of warm, unsweetened, unflavored green tea with the morning newspaper is something I look forward to each day. Green tea in itself has a uniquely refreshing aroma and a distinct flavor which rejuvenates and refreshes you with every sip, giving a perfect power packed start for the day. It has a character of palate cleanser which fills in the flavor gaps. When brewed well, it leaves a sweet after taste in the mouth. Green tea is actually an acquired taste. You might not really find it extraordinary if you are trying it for the first time, but the taste grows on you with every cup you drink.

Tea warms the body and strengthens the soul.
Tea warms the body and strengthens the soul.


While Green tea is best had unsweetened and without any additional flavors, there are many ways you can enjoy this cup of health and joy. If you are hesitant to try the artificially flavored teas so easily available in the stores, you can flavor it up by adding a dash of lemon juice and honey. Alternatively, you can chill the brewed tea and add some fresh fruit juice to it and serve it over crushed ice. Any seasonal fruit juice will work fine.

I experimented by adding fruit cordials. The blue one you see below is the lemon and orange cordial with green tea. The red one is a mix of strawberry, raspberry and blueberry cordials. Both of them tasted extra ordinarily good.

Iced tea is too pure and natural a creation not to have been invented as soon as tea, ice, and hot weather crossed paths. ~John Egerton
Iced tea is too pure and natural a creation not to have been invented as soon as tea, ice, and hot weather crossed paths. ~John Egerton

Green tea is a traditional Chinese beverage, being prepared from the plant Camellia Sinensis. Green tea, unlike other teas, is not fermented; the young tea leaves are lightly steamed before being dried. Steaming inactivates the enzymes (polyphenol oxides and peroxides) thus preserving the polyphenols, the active constituents in the herb.Green tea is one of world’s richest sources of antioxidants. One of the main antioxidants found in green tea (EGCG) has been found to be 100 times more effective than vitamin C and 25 times than vitamin E.

While there is tea, there is hope. – Sir Arthur Pinero
While there is tea, there is hope. – Sir Arthur Pinero

Green tea is a fast catching fitness fad today. It is gaining popularity due to its purported health benefits.

Green Tea vs. Diabetes:

Green tea polyphenols inhibit amylase and sucrose, so the starch is broken down more slowly and thereby the blood glucose level is decreased. It may also reduce the intestinal absorption of glucose and found to enhance the insulin activity.

Green Tea & Heart:

Green tea plays a role in reducing the negative effects of bad cholesterol, lowering triglyceride levels, and increasing the production of good cholesterol, thus improving the LDL-HDL cholesterol ratio.

Green Tea vs. Arthritis:

Green tea protects the joints against cartilage breakdown and reduces inflammation thereby preventing arthritis.

Green Tea vs. Obesity:

Green tea could help weight loss by increasing the metabolic rate, speed up fat oxidation and by preventing the digestion of carbohydrates.

Green Tea vs. Ageing:

Green tea may delay ageing by preventing the accumulation of free radicals and the resultant damage to the DNA and by enhancing the immunity.

Green Tea & Teeth :

Green helps prevent tooth decay and fights cavities by inhibiting the growth of oral bacteria.

Green Tea as a Beauty Aid:

Green tea on topical application may protect the skin against the damage caused by ultraviolet rays and also act as a skin rejuvenator.


When serving tea, friendship is better than fine china
When serving tea, friendship is better than fine china   – Quote


4-5 cups of green tea per day with its antioxidants and anti-ageing properties could help to safe guard you from several diseases.

Tea is liquid peace, comfort, goodness and joy.
Tea is liquid peace,
comfort, goodness and joy  – Quote


Brew it Right:

  • Do not boil the tea leaves in water.
  • Pour the freshly boiled water into a teapot. The water should be hot (85°-90° C) Not very hot before adding the tea leaves.
  • Infuse for two minutes only otherwise the tea may taste bitter.
  • Strain and serve.
  • Do not add milk.
  • If you prefer, sweeten with sugar or honey.
  • Enjoy it warm or cold.
Teatime doesn't end when the pot is empty. You carry it in your heart.
Teatime doesn’t end when the pot is empty.
You carry it in your heart.


If you are not already drinking Green tea, it is high time you start this healthy habit.

Next time you are at the department store, I am pretty sure your hand is going to involuntarily pick up that attractive Green tea pack. Go ahead, don’t think………..


I am taking my Green tea to Justine’s first tea party Tea Time # 1. Congrats Justine. All the best. She also happens to celebrate a fellow blogger Andy Townsend’s birthday. Good wishes to Andy and a hearty welcome to our community. Come and join me …..

This one is for you Justine ☕

31 Comments Add yours

  1. hiiiiiiiiii…….This blog have very good collection of Tea for Health and also tells us how it is useful for us……I like it . 😉


    1. skdarvesh says:

      Thanks a lot for appreciating.


  2. aiman peer says:

    this is simply wow…. hmmm.. tea… good nice keep it up.. loved it


    1. skdarvesh says:

      Thanks a lot aiman. Do keep visiting my blog.


      1. aiman peer says:

        i always do….


  3. LFFL says:

    How fun to have tea. I love all the pretty colors there. Makes tea time fun!


    1. skdarvesh says:

      Thanks a lot. Tea with friends and chatting is real funnnnn….


  4. The green tea information was interesting but I really loved seeing your tea cups.


    1. skdarvesh says:

      Thank you. I love them too. 🙂


  5. chantal says:

    Thank you for sharing this. Really like the fact that we can drink tea and feel good.


    1. skdarvesh says:

      Most welcome. One drink we can enjoy and not feel guilty about…


  6. beveragewala says:

    Reblogged this on Beveragewala and commented:
    Green Tea Health Benefits…


  7. M E Cheshier says:

    Reblogged this on Travels with Mary and commented:
    Love this!


  8. M E Cheshier says:

    I love green tea! TY for the great post!


    1. skd says:

      Most welcome. i am a big fan of green tea too. i have to start my day with a hot cup of unflavored green tea. Thanks for visiting my blog . do keep visiting 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. M E Cheshier says:

        Me to. I like matcha green 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. skd says:

      Wow!! Toast to good health 🙂


  9. Thats a beautiful post and I am a green tea fan too, I have never thought to add other things in to it, so I might well venture out and go and do that. You are so right about the brewing, too long and it gets quite a horrible flavour to it, it is most deifnitely an art hehe. You really went to town on this post and thoroughly appreciate it, we will behaving tea again in two weeks but meanwhile lets enjoy the cake and festivities i am sure many others will pop by xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. skd says:

      Thanks Justine ☺ I am enjoying your party, cakes and all. But mostly your warmth and excitement. Let’s have fun till the others join ☕🎊🎍🎎🍺🍣🍕🍰🍦🍧

      Liked by 1 person

      1. awe thank you actually my tea party endedup being Christmas drinks, I made two fruity punchs and tried both of them, my head was complaining this morning x


      2. skd says:

        Oh dear😞 Then you must have a hot cup of tea


    1. skd says:

      Hi! While it is absolutely ok to reblog a post it is not appropriate to lift an entire article and post it as your own. I request you to reblog the post and delete the present one. Another way is to give a brief introduction that you have shared an article from http://www.aromasandflavours.com
      The blog is covered under Copyright policy and it is not right to lift an article completely. However thanks for linking the post.


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